The Avada Layout Elements

Last Update: July 22, 2024

Layout Elements are special, dynamic Elements that are found in Avada Builder. These are found primarily when editing Content Layout Sections through Avada Layouts, but some are available when editing Page Title Bar Layout Sections, and when editing Post Cards in the Avada Builder Library. Currently, there are twenty seven of these special Elements, which can be used to dynamically populate the Content Layout Sections and Post Cards.

Scroll down to read a brief description of each of the Layout Elements in Avada, follow the links for details on each specific element, and watch the video below for a visual overview of the Layout Elements, and their usage.

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Layout Elements


Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Archives Element is for designing your layout for archives content, like blog or portfolio archives. It has a General and a Design tab and is very similar to the Blog Element. This Element will then display archives, depending on the conditions set in the Layout, for example, if you set the All Archives condition, it will apply to all archives.


Available in both Content Layout Sections and Page Title Bar Layout Sections. This Element has a General and an Extras tab, and a range of simple options. You would only use this Element with a type of content that has a single author, like a Single Post Layout. If you added the Author Element to an Archive Layout for example, it wouldn’t show anything, as there can be many authors on a blog. But on a Blog Single Post layout, the author element is very useful, and pulls the details from the post author’s bio and displays them. You can see an example of this Element on the Taxi Demo blog posts.


Only available in Content Layout Sections. Then, there is the Comments Element. This Element pulls comments from any single post type with commenting enabled. Commenting is typically only enabled on blog posts, but it can be enabled on any single post type, such as portfolios, FAQs and even pages. Again, it has a General and an Extras tab, with a range of styling options.


Available in both Content Layout Sections and Post Cards. Following this is the Content Element. This pulls the main content from any single post. This could be a blog post, a portfolio item, a page, or any other Custom Post Type single post. It wouldn’t be used on anything dynamically generated, like an Archives, or 404 or Search Results Layout. It only has a few options around margins and visibility, and of course the element animation options under the Extras tab.

Featured Images Slider

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Featured Images Slider is the next Element, and this will pull the Featured Image, or multiple Featured Images and display them in a Slider, from any custom post type they are on. These would normally be blog single posts or portfolio posts, but also FAQ items and even single pages. There are a few options around the image hover type and size, and you can control margins as well.

Available in both Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections. The Pagination Element can be used multiple times on a page, to facilitate the common layout of having pagination at both the top and the bottom of post content. It has a range of styling options, including layout options.

Post Card Archives

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Post Card Archives Element allows you to place archive content using a Post Card layout anywhere in a Content Layout Section, in any Layout.

Post Card Cart

Only available in Post Cards. The Post Card Cart Element is a special Layout Element, that only displays when creating or editing a Post Card Library Element, through the Avada Builder Library. It allows you to add an Add To Cart Button to a WooCommerce Post Card design. Please see the How To Use Post Cards in Avada document for more general information on Post Cards, and the Post Card Cart Element for specific details on this Layout Element.

Post Card Image

Only available in Post Cards. The Post Card Image Element is a special Layout Element, that only displays when creating or editing a Post Card Library Element, through the Avada Builder Library. Please see the How To Use Post Cards in Avada document for more general information on Post Cards, and the Post Card Image Element doc for specific details on this Layout Element.

Post Meta

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Post Meta Element is a specific single post layout element, designed to add customized meta information anywhere in a Content Layout Section, in any Single Post, Page or Portfolio Layout. You can disable or enable any of the meta components, including a new one, Modified Date, which shows the most recent date the post has been modified.

Project Details

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Project Details Element will only show on a portfolio single post layout. It’s the Portfolio details that we would normally see down the right-hand side of a portfolio item, like Skills and Categories, and URL etc.

Only available in Content Layout Sections. Related Posts is the last Layout Section Element, and this will work with all single posts, and show related posts to the currently viewed post. It has three tabs, General, Design and Extras, and a reasonably large range of options for configuration and styling.

Woo Add To Cart

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Add To Cart Element is the first of the Woo Layouts Elements. It works great with the defaults, but otherwise has a huge range of options to help with the design and layout of variable products and makes the Add To Cart area completely customizable for all types of products.

Woo Additional Information

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. Additional Information is part of the Woo Tabs Element, but we can also use the Woo Additional Information Element to display this product information separately if we wish. It has a General, Design and Extras tab, providing a lot of customization options.

Woo Archives

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Archives Element offers the ability to create a custom layout for your Woo Archives pages. It’s similar to the Archives Element, but is designed specifically for use with WooCommerce products.

Woo Filter Active

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Archives Element works in conjunction with the other Woo Filter Elements. This Element offers the ability to see which Filter Elements are active.

Woo Filter By Attribute

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Archives Element offers the ability to filter products by a specific attribute.

Woo Filter By Price

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Archives Element offers the ability to filter products within a specific price range.

Woo Filter By Rating

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Archives Element offers the ability to filter products by a specific rating.

Woo Price

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Woo Price Element displays the price of the product, but can also be used to display sales prices, discount badges and even stock levels. It has a full range of Design options for font, color and placement.

Woo Product Images

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Product Images Element can display single product images, as well as any product gallery images added, and has a range of options controlling layout and thumbnails. It can even display a Sales Badge if the product is discounted.

Woo Rating

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Woo Rating Element can be used to display the product’s average rating, with options for the Reviews Count, Placeholder text, Alignment and Margins, as well as a few basic design options.

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Related Products Element can be displayed as Columns or as a Carousel, and you can configure the number of products and columns, as well as a number of navigational options if you use it as a carousel. Related Products are products in the same product category, or ones that share tags.

Woo Reviews

Only available in Content Layout Sections. Reviews are also part of the Woo Tabs Element. But just like the Additional information Element, the Woo Reviews Element can be added as a stand-alone Element when needed to display Reviews, and offers a full range of customization options.

Woo Short Description

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Woo Short Description Element is perhaps the simplest of all the Layout Elements, and displays exactly what it says – the product’s short description. The Product full description is displayed using the Woo Tabs Element.

Woo Stock

Available in Content and Page Title Bar Layout Sections, as well as Post Cards. The Woo Stock Element allows you to add specific stock levels for your products. Stock levels can also be configured in the Woo Price Element, but this Element is useful if you want to display it separately from the Price. There are a few simple options for color, size and margins.

Woo Tabs

Only available in Content Layout Sections. The Woo Tabs Element gives you the option to display up to three tabs, the Full Product Description, Additional Information (for variable products), and Reviews (if enabled). It can be displayed in a Horizontal or vertical layout, and has a full range of color, text and font settings on the design tab.

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