Heading | | Description | Post Card | | Select a saved Post Card design to use. Create new or edit existing Post Cards in the Avada Library. |
Post Card List View | | This post card will be used in the list view which can be triggered with the sorting element. Post cards can be created in the Avada Library. |
Content Source | | Select the type of content you would like to show. NOTE: The related option will fetch items related to the post that it is placed on based on taxonomy selection. |
Repeater Field | | Enter field name you want to use. |
Relationship Field | | Enter field name you want to use. |
Post Type | | Select the post type to display. |
Taxonomy | | Select which taxonomy to use. |
Posts By | | Select which taxonomy to pull posts from or select all to pull all. |
Post Status | | Select the status(es) of the posts that should be included or leave blank for published only posts. |
Ignore Sticky Posts | | Select if sticky posts should be displayed first ("No") or as part of the selected ordering ("Yes"). |
Include Categories | | Select a categories or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Categories | | Select a categories or leave blank for all. |
Include Tags | | Select a tags or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Tags | | Select a tags or leave blank for all. |
Include Brands | | Select a brands or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Brands | | Select a brands or leave blank for all. |
Include Product Type | | Select a product type or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Product Type | | Select a product type or leave blank for all. |
Include Product Categories | | Select a product categories or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Product Categories | | Select a product categories or leave blank for all. |
Include Product Tags | | Select a product tags or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Product Tags | | Select a product tags or leave blank for all. |
Include Product Shipping Classes | | Select a product shipping classes or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Product Shipping Classes | | Select a product shipping classes or leave blank for all. |
Include Event Categories | | Select a event categories or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Event Categories | | Select a event categories or leave blank for all. |
Include Portfolio Categories | | Select a portfolio categories or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Portfolio Categories | | Select a portfolio categories or leave blank for all. |
Include Portfolio Skills | | Select a portfolio skills or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Portfolio Skills | | Select a portfolio skills or leave blank for all. |
Include Portfolio Tags | | Select a portfolio tags or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Portfolio Tags | | Select a portfolio tags or leave blank for all. |
Include FAQ Categories | | Select a faq categories or leave blank for all. |
Exclude FAQ Categories | | Select a faq categories or leave blank for all. |
Include Element Type | | Select a element type or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Element Type | | Select a element type or leave blank for all. |
Include Category | | Select a category or leave blank for all. |
Exclude Category | | Select a category or leave blank for all. |
Include Products by SKU | | Add the SKUs of the products to include or leave empty to include all products with . |
Exclude Products by SKU | | Add the SKUs of the products to exclude. |
Custom Field - Name | | Enter the custom field (or meta) name. |
Custom Field - Value Comparison | | Select the custom field (or meta) comparison type. The "like" comparison is needed when you want to check serialized data for equality. |
Custom Field - Value | | Enter the custom field (or meta) value. |
Display Products By Price Type | | Include products depending on the price type |
Include Out Of Stock Products | | Include or exclude out of stock products. |
Show Hidden Products | | Display hidden products that are excluded from search or catalogs. |
Show Filters | | Choose to show or hide the filters. |
Number of Posts | | Select number of posts per page. Set to -1 to display all. Set to 0 to use the post type default number of posts. For portfolio and products this comes from the global options. For all others Settings > Reading. |
Posts Offset | | The number of posts to skip. ex: 1. |
Order By | | Defines how posts should be ordered. NOTE: (Price|Popularity|Rating) options only work for product-related queries. |
Custom Field Name | | Insert custom field name. |
Custom Field Type | | Select custom field value type. |
Order By | | Defines how terms should be ordered. |
Order | | Defines the sorting order of posts. |
Show Only Upcoming Events | | Whether or not the events displayed will be only from the current date. |
Show Only Featured Events | | Whether or not to display only events that are featured. |
Pagination Type | | Select the type of pagination. |
Nothing Found Message | | Replacement text when no results are found. |
Element Visibility | | Choose to show or hide the element on small, medium or large screens. You can choose more than one at a time. |
CSS Class | | Add a class to the wrapping HTML element. |
CSS ID | | Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element. |
Heading | | Description | Layout | | Select how you want Post Cards to display. |
Filters Typography | | Controls the typography of the filters content. Leave empty for the global font family. |
Filters Container Height | | Controls the filters container height. In pixels. |
Filters Container Border Size | | Controls the border size of the filters container. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%. |
Filters Container Border Color | | Controls the border color of the filters container. |
Filters Alignment | | Select the filters content alignment. |
Filters Link Hover Color | | Controls the hover color of the filters link. |
Filters Link Active Color | | Controls the active color of the filters link. |
Active Filter Link Border Size | | Controls the filters link border size. In pixels. |
Active Filter Link Border Color | | Controls the color of the active filter link. |
Post Card Alignment | | Select the Post Cards alignment within rows. |
Number of Columns | | Set the number of columns per row. |
Column Spacing | | Insert the amount of horizontal spacing between items without 'px'. ex: 40. |
Row Spacing | | Insert the amount of vertical spacing between items without 'px'. ex: 40. |
Separator | | Choose the horizontal separator line style. This will only be used on single column grids or list view. |
Separator Color | | Controls the separator color. |
Separator Width | | In pixels (px or %), ex: 1px, ex: 50%. Leave blank for full width. |
Separator Alignment | | Select the separator alignment; only works when a width is specified. |
Separator Border Size | | In pixels. |
Autoplay | | Choose to autoplay the items. |
Loop | | Choose to enable continuous loop mode. |
Scroll Items | | Insert the amount of items to scroll. Leave empty to scroll number of visible items. |
Mouse Scroll | | Choose to enable mouse drag control on the carousel. |
Mouse Pointer | | Choose to enable mouse drag custom cursor. |
Cursor Color Mode | | Choose cursor color mode. |
Cursor Color | | Controls the color of cursor. |
Show Navigation | | Choose to show navigation buttons on the carousel / slider. |
Arrow Box Dimensions | | Controls the width and height of the arrow box. Enter values including any valid CSS unit. |
Arrow Icon Size | | Set the arrow icon size. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 14px. |
Previous Icon | | Click an icon to select, click again to deselect. |
Next Icon | | Click an icon to select, click again to deselect. |
Arrow Position | | Controls the position of the arrow. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 14px. |
Arrow Border Radius | | Enter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 10px. |
Arrows Styling | | |
Arrow Background Color | | Controls the background color of arrow. |
Arrow Color | | Controls the color of arrow. |
Dots Position | | Controls the position of the dots. Enter value including any valid CSS unit, ex: 14px. |
Dots Spacing | | In pixels. |
Dots Margin | | In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%. |
Dots Alignment | | Controls the border style of the arrow. |
Dots Styling | | |
Dots Size | | In pixels. |
Dots Color | | Controls the color of the dots. |
Animation | | Choose for animation style. |
Margin | | In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%. |
Load More - Button Styling | | |
Text Color | | Select the button text color. |
Background Color | | Select the button background color. |