Avada Form Builder Elements

Last Update: August 21, 2024

The Avada Form Builder includes 21 unique Elements with which to build your forms. You can also use any Avada Design Elements in the Form Builder. This document will examine all the Avada Form Elements and what they can do. For specific details, options, and examples of each Element, follow the links in the Element descriptions below.

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Checkbox Field

A Checkbox Field is used to select any number of answers from a list of choices. You can add options manually, use predefined lists, or bulk import lists. If you only want users to make one selection, use the Radio Field Element instead. See the Registration Form Dark Prebuilt Form for an example of the Checkbox Field Element in use.

Consent Field

A Consent Field is used to obtain specific consent from a user for whatever purpose you would like. It allows muliple options, and you can use it in several ways. See the Element page, listed below to see all the specific options of the Element.

Date Field

The Date Field Element allows you to enter a formatted date using a date picker calendar option. See the Reservation Form Prebuilt Form for an example of the Date Field Element in use.

Email Field

An email field is a single textbox that’s validated to only accept email addresses. Almost all of the Prebuilt Forms use the Email Field Element.

Hidden Field

This is an advanced field Element. You can use a hidden field to include unmodified data when a form is submitted. They are hidden from the user completely, but can store a value that is sent along with the form. You could use JavaScript to identify the browser or page id, or many other things.

Honeypot Field

The Honeypot Field Element is a security Element you can add to your Avada Form. A honeypot is a field added to the form that the users can’t see (due to CSS or JavaScript which hides the field). Basically, if a spambot fills in a field that valid users can’t see, this alerts us to their activity. So if the honeypot field is filled in, we can confidently reject the form as spam.

Image Select Field

The Image Select Field Element allows you to add a range of images to your form, that a user can then select from. You can add multiple images, control their size, allow users to select multiple or just a single image, have certain image pre-selected etc. There are many possible uses for this Element.


The Notice Element is used to display messages after form submission. There is a field for both a success message, and a failure message. They come pre-populated with default messages, or you can totally customize them with your own messages. You will find this Element on almost all the prebuilt forms.


The Number Element is a field used to allow the user to enter any numeric value. See the Reservation Prebuilt Form for an example of this in use.

Password Field

The Password Field Element is a special text field on a form that doesn’t display what the user types. This value is then passed on in the submission entry. See the Sign Up Prebuilt Form for an example of this Element.

Phone Number Field

The Phone Number Field Element is a numeric field used to collect mobile or landline numbers. It does not accept spaces or letters. Examples of this Element can be found in the Registration Form Dark, Standard Contact Form, Sweepstakes Form, and the Reservation Form, to name a few.

Radio Field

The Radio Field Element is used to display a list of options for a user to select as a choice. Only one selection is possible. You can see an example of this Element in the RSVP and Survey Prebuilt Forms.

Range Field

The Range Field Element defines a slider control between minimum and maximum numeric values. You can see an example of this Element in the Registration Prebuilt Form.

Rating Field

The Rating Field Element is used to rate something between a set minimum and maximum number of stars. You can see an example of this Element in the Survey Prebuilt Form.


The reCAPTCHA Field Element helps protect your website forms from spam and abuse. You must first configure the Global Options found at Avada > Forms > Google reCAPTCHA for this to work.

Select Field

The Select Field Element allows users to choose an option from a set of predefined choices. These display in a dropdown list. You can see an example of this Element in the Sign Up Prebuilt Form.

Submit Button

The Submit Button Element is the one required Element in a form, as it is a button for submitting form data to a form-handler. All prebuilt forms have one. Submission Type is controlled in the Local Form Options.

Text Field

The Text Field Element is a basic text field you can use to collect information such as a name or address. You can see several examples of this Element in the Sign Up and Upload Prebuilt Forms, as well as several others.

Textarea Field

The Textarea Field Element provides a multi-line text box for extended amounts of information. This is used on many of the Prebuilt forms, and is perfect when you need an area for the user to have a large amount of freedom with regards inputting text.

Time Field

The Time Field Element allows a user to select a specific time in hours and minutes. You can see an example of this Element in the Reservation Prebuilt Form.

Upload Field

Allows users to easily upload files via a form. You can control allowed file extensions, and file size. You can see an example of this Element in the Upload Prebuilt Form.

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