The Avada Builder plugin, and one of the two required plugins with Avada, is our very...
The Avada Builder is ThemeFusion's very own page builder, now available in both front-end and back-end...
A small, but awesome feature, is the ability to manage your Avada Builder Elements, Columns, and...
Avada Builder features a compact starter page that will help you get started in no time....
The Avada Builder comes with TWO interfaces; the original, wireframe builder, now known as...
The Avada Form Builder includes 21 unique Elements with which to build your forms. You can...
The Avada Form Element is a simple helper Element, designed so you can add an...
Avada Live has an intuitive and minimalist workspace, but there are also a range of...
With Avada Live, Global Options Management is built directly into the Builder. What this means,...
For a long time in Avada, we have had local options management via the Page Options...
All Builder Docs