Avada Prebuilt Websites
Last Update: September 19, 2024
Avada comes with 110 professionally designed, prebuilt websites, all of which can be used as a quick-start way to build your website, or just for design inspiration.
You can find and explore all of these prebuilts at https://avada.website. Read on to find out more about what a prebuilt website is, how to install it, and what to do if you have any troubles, and watch the video below for a visual overview.
What Is A Prebuilt Website?
An Avada prebuilt website is simply a showcase, or an example, of what’s possible with the Avada Website Builder. It is a collection of pages, posts, images, and options etc, that you can import into Avada.
Each website represents a specific industry such as Health & Beauty, Fashion, Photography and more. The websites have been made to demonstrate how flexible Avada can be. These websites are designed and built by our professional designers, using Avada Builder.
How Are Prebuilt Websites Useful?
Avada prebuilt websites can be very useful, primarily when you don’t know where to begin. If you’re new to building websites, importing a prebuilt website can be a great starting point, because all the pages and content are created for you. You then go in and tweak it to your liking, changing out the text and images to your own. Check out the How To Customise Avada Prebuilt Websites video series for a great rundown on this process.
Alternatively, you might just want to import a website so you can explore how the designs were put together, or to experiment with Avada’s various capabilities and options. If you’d like to try another prebuilt, there are several methods to remove website content so you can import a new one. More details on that can be found here.
Importing A Prebuilt Website
If you would like to import a prebuilt Avada website, there are two ways you can do so. The Avada Setup Wizard runs automaically on all new installs, and through this, you can import any of the prebuilt websites. See How To Use The Avada Setup Wizard for more information on this process.
Alternatively, you can use the Avada Prebuilt Website Importer, found at Avada > Websites to import prebuilt website, and with this tool you can import the entire website, or only certain sections you’re interested in (e.g. Posts, Pages, images, Global Options, etc). Additionally, you can import content on a per page basis, from any demo, through the Avada Builder Library. If you run into any issues using these methods, you can also import prebuilt websites manually, although this does require a bit more effort.