How To Import Individual Website Sections Using The Prebuilt Website Importer

Last Update: February 19, 2024

If you don’t want to import an entire prebuilt website, or you want to import extra content from another prebuilt website, you can also import individual sections of a website using the Prebuilt Website Importer.

When importing an Avada Prebuilt Website, you are faced with a dialog with multiple sections. In the top section, is a list of plugins you need to have installed to successfully import the full prebuilt website.

Under this, on the left hand side, is the Import Content section. Normally, All is selected to import the full prebuilt website. But it is possible to just import the pages, or posts, or Layouts, or any section of the website that you want. Just select the section(s) you want to import, and click the Import button at the bottom.

Import Prebuilt Website Sections

Important Information For Importing Sections

It is NOT recommended to import more than one full prebuilt website, without first removing the original import. This is because when doing a full import, global options are also imported, and there can only be one set of these.

However, it is possible to import other sections from a website on top of a full import, as they can also be successfully removed using the Importer. The basic rule here, is not to import the “options” as this will conflict with any previous import.