Summertime is on the horizon! In this installment, we will share Avada 8.0 progress and the latest Avada milestones with the broader community.
Avada 8 May Progress Update
Following on from the April Roadmap post, our team has focused on optimization and some element-specific tasks. See some of the details below.
New flexible content structuring
Nested columns will be replaced by a new flexible content system that allows you to nest containers with unlimited scope anywhere within your content.
Additionally, the rigid content structuring of Container > Column > Elements has been broken apart to provide you with more granular control over your layouts, allowing you to place your columns and elements anywhere without even the need for a container.
Container and Column Overhaul
Containers and Columns have been dramatically improved with an array of new design and styling options. Some examples include:
These new options will enhance the control over the design process, allowing for supercharged and engaging styling for any Avada website.
Poll Results
The results are in! Thank you to everyone who participated; based on the results, we will further investigate the feasibility.
New Prebuilt Content Coming Soon!
Our design team is constantly working on delivering new prebuilt websites and prebuilt Studio content your way.
The most recent websites released are Avada Tattoo, Avada Dance Studio, and Avada Real Estate.
In summary, our team is working flat out with one goal in mind: To bring you the best website-building platform available. Avada 8.0’s extended development cycle reflects our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.
We encourage you to subscribe to our social media platforms to stay tuned for more updates regarding Avada 8.
What is the plan for custom elements? We’ve created a number of custom elements in our own custom plugin as well make use of Elegant Elements on some customer sites. Will we need to make upgrades to make them work? If so can we get that documentation prior to releasing version 8, we have significant number of customers making use of this.
Will the traditional Avada shortcodes still be supported in Version 8 if we make use of them in other places beyond post types under Avada Builders control?
Shortcodes will still be able to render in the usual fashion if you are using them in content. However, custom elements will need updated in order to be functional in the builder (ie ability to change options etc). There will be documentation for this once the API for 8 is completely decided. There will also be a beta phase where this kind of thing with real world examples can be brought up,