
Revamping your website is like giving your digital home a fresh coat of paint—an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into your online presence! It is an opportunity to showcase the very best of what you offer, wrapped in a user-friendly package that will appeal to a collection of new customers. A redesign isn’t just about keeping up with the latest trends; it’s about making your site more accessible, engaging, and mobile-friendly.

In this article, we will touch on the basics to look out for and provide a prospect to kick-start your next project with Avada and WordPress.


The Tell-Tale Signs

Technology trends change over time, and so do consumer expectations. To be competitive in a challenging digital arena, paying attention to the finer details will help you stand out.


Identifying the right time for a website makeover involves recognizing specific indicators that suggest your site might have fallen behind. These signs range from technical issues to aesthetic obsolescence and consistency. We will take a bird’s eye view of seven critical factors to evaluate when accessing your website and future plans.

Sign 1: Outdated Design

Web design trends evolve rapidly, and a design that was cutting-edge a few years ago might now look dated. An outdated design will make your site appear neglected, reflect poorly on your brand, and, more certainly, discourage people from using your services or purchasing products from your online store.

The Evolution of Web Design Trends

Web design has evolved immensely over the last thirty years, with many styles long forgotten in history archives. Staying abreast of current trends is crucial if you want to make a difference. Minimalism, responsive design, and block-based design elements are just a few examples of trends that have dominated in recent years.

How to Recognize an Outdated Website Design

In general terms, an outdated design is when a website fails to meet current standards of aesthetics, functionality, and user experience established by the latest trends, technologies, and user expectations on the internet. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Cluttered Layout: Overcrowded pages with too much information, numerous unrelated fonts, or styling cues that hinder accessibility suggest an outdated approach to web design.

  • Static Content: A lack of media content, such as videos, blog posts, or social media feeds, can make a site appear static and uninteresting to potential visitors.

  • Outdated Fonts and Graphics: Using outdated fonts, clipart-style graphics, or low-resolution images can significantly date a website. Fonts like “Comic Sans,” “Papyrus,” “Curlz,” and “Bradley Hand” are widely recognized as the world’s worst fonts.

  • Lack of Content Hierarchy: Content hierarchy is crucial for website content. The lack thereof refers to information presented without clear organization or prioritization, making it difficult for users to discern the importance of different facets on a page. This absence of structure can lead to challenges and negative consequences for both the user experience and the effectiveness of the content.
  • Fixed Width Layout: Website layouts designed with a fixed width that don’t adapt to the browser window’s size can provide a poor user experience on different devices.

  • Overuse of Stock Images: While stock images are useful, relying heavily on them, outdated or clichéd ones, can make a site feel impersonal and stale.

  • Missing Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Modern websites guide users towards specific actions (e.g., sign up, learn more). The absence of clear CTAs can indicate an obsolete design approach.

  • Lack of Social Media Integration: Today’s websites always include social media buttons or feeds to enhance engagement. A site without these features will seem isolated and uninterested in broader community engagement.

Sign 2: Poor Mobile Responsiveness

Google takes a mobile-first approach to crawling, indexing, and ranking web pages. With significant internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, a site that isn’t optimized for mobile is at a considerable disadvantage. Besides desktops, tablets and smartphones are considered mobile devices. Thus, the amount of screen real estate available to showcase information is considerably less than that of a desktop PC.

Percentage of internet traffic from mobile devices

There are plenty of WordPress plugins and browser-based tools that can be used (nothing beats real physical devices) to test a website for responsiveness. A tool we can recommend is Responsinator.

How to Resolve Website Responsive Issues

It cannot be understated how vital it is that websites present content efficiently with a logical flow on mobile devices. Building sites with Avada makes this part of the design process straightforward, even for beginners in web design.

Avada is a great solution for addressing website mobile responsiveness issues primarily due to its inherent design philosophy and built-in features that prioritize adaptability across various devices. Its fully responsive framework ensures that any website built with Avada automatically adjusts to the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on, offering a seamless user experience from desktops to smartphones.

Users can create Custom Layouts with mobile responsiveness in mind, including options to adjust visibility, sizing, and spacing for different devices. Furthermore, Avada offers a vast selection of prebuilt, mobile-optimized templates and content.

Sign 3: Slow Loading Times

One of the most glaring signs that your WordPress site needs a revamp is sluggish loading times. Speed is critical in user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). A delay of just a few seconds can increase bounce rates and lost opportunities.

Tools for Measuring Website Speed

Online tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix can help you assess your site’s speed. These resources offer insights into what might be slowing down your site and suggestions for improvement.

Tools for Optimization

The Avada Performance Wizard is a built-in feature designed to enhance website speed and efficiency. It is a guided step-by-step process that analyses your website and simplifies configuring various performance-related settings to optimize website loading times and overall performance. Upon activation, the Performance Wizard presents users with a sequence of recommended settings, including options for file compression, lazy loading images, JavaScript and CSS optimization, and more.

Avada Performance Wizard

Discover how to use the Performance Wizard by checking this help file and explainer video. These recommendations are based on best practices for web performance and can be customized by the user to achieve the desired balance between website functionality and speed.

Sign 4: High Bounce Rates

Bounce rate is a metric that calculates the percentage of sessions on your website that trigger a conversion event or include a second pageview. A high bounce rate indicates that your site is not engaging or relevant to your audience’s needs.

According to Google Analytics [SIC]:

A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.

Bounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions, or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.

These single-page sessions have a session duration of 0 seconds since there are no subsequent hits after the first one that would let Analytics calculate the length of the session.

How Can You Lower Bounce Rates?

Start with analysis! In addition to the performance-related tools mentioned above, analyzing bounce rates alongside metrics such as average session duration can provide insights into user engagement and content effectiveness, and using Google Analytics is ideal for this.

Various factors may need to be addressed, such as improving site speed, enhancing navigation, and offering valuable content to reduce bounce rates and keep visitors engaged. There is a wealth of online data that provides clear information based on sector and industry to consider. We can also suggest analysis tools like aHrefs or Semrush that integrate with Google Analytics to further enhance your remedial strategies.

Sign 5: Low Search Engine Rankings

If your WordPress site does not rank well in search engine results, it could be due to incorrect search engine optimization (SEO) practices and content quality. There is a distinct relationship between healthy SEO and content quality, as well as content hierarchy, which, in turn, leads visitors to discover what they are looking for without having to jump through hoops to find it.

Avada Mega Menu SEO

If your website’s general layout and performance conflict with the expected benchmarks or do not follow a logical and coherent flow, it may be time for a complete design overhaul. Website performance, conversions, and sales are all related and linked inextricably. Simply put, performance affects visitor satisfaction.

How Does SEO Relate to Web Design?

Search engines like Google, for example, expect high-quality content from websites, which will affect their ranking within the search engine results pages (SERPS). Google’s guidelines have become more sophisticated with a dedicated approach to people-first and mobile-first objectives.

SEO is more than keywords; it should be the foundation of your website’s UX experience. Likewise, you will want your web design to be an engaging experience for visitors, and a big part of this equation is creating high-quality content in the form of relevant visuals, informative copy, and influential brand messaging, all of which are good SEO practices.

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) refers to Google’s parameters for evaluating quality content. These guidelines are essential to observe when creating long-form content. However, E-E-A-T also applies to website content that builds on your brand’s expertise.

Sign 6: The Lack of Content Hierarchy

The lack of content hierarchy in a website or design refers to a situation where information is presented without clear organization or prioritization, making it difficult for users to discern the importance of different elements. This absence of structure can lead to challenges and negative consequences for the user experience and conversion rates.

Addressing the lack of content hierarchy involves employing design and content organization principles to create a logical flow of information. This includes effectively using headings and subheadings correctly, implementing a consistent layout, and utilizing visual elements like color, typography, and spacing to differentiate and emphasize essential parts of the content.

According to a 2020 survey conducted by HubSpot, one common aspect that stands out is that design is a communication tool, and its power should not be underestimated.

Sign 7: Disorganized Navigation

Website navigation is one of the first things you encounter when accessing a website and is, hence, crucial for customer engagement. Think of the navigation as a map of your website’s most important content.

Problematic website navigation can significantly impair user experience, potentially necessitating a redesign, but it doesn’t always mandate a complete overhaul of the entire website. Ultimately, whether difficult navigation means a website needs a redesign depends on the nature and severity of the issues and how they fit within the broader context of the site’s design and user experience goals.

Consider a Mega Menu For Improved UX

Avada Business Mega Menu

Mega Menus allow for the organization of links, media, and CTA’s (Call to Action) in a visually structured manner. By displaying all available choices at once, they help users understand the site’s structure at a glance, making it easier to find what they’re looking for without navigating multiple pages.

When building a Mega Menu layout using the Avada Mega Menu Builder, you can easily group items and sub-items logically, providing a clear visual hierarchy. Different font sizes, colors, and icons can be used to indicate levels of importance or content categories, helping users to prioritize where to look first. This will lead to higher conversions and user retention.

It’s important to remember that the amount of information in the Mega Menu must be balanced to avoid overwhelming users and ensure that the menu remains a tool for simplification rather than a source of complexity.


You can use online tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to measure your website’s loading times. These tools provide a performance score and recommendations for improvements. A loading time of more than 3 seconds is generally considered slow.
Recent trends include minimalism, using bold and expressive typography, implementing dynamic and interactive elements, and focusing on mobile-first design. These trends prioritize usability, aesthetic appeal, and engaging user experiences.
Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test is an excellent tool for checking your site’s responsiveness. Enter your website’s URL, and it will assess whether your site is mobile-friendly and highlight any issues that need to be addressed. We can also recommend Responsinator.
A high bounce rate may be due to slow loading times, poor navigation, or irrelevant content. To lower it, ensure your site loads quickly, has a clear navigation structure, and provides valuable and relevant content to your audience.
Focus on optimizing your site for relevant keywords, improving loading speeds, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and creating high-quality content. Additionally, use SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or All in One SEO (AIOSEO) to help optimize your site further.
Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to their latest versions. Also, consider using security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri, implement an SSL certificate, and use strong passwords to enhance your site’s security.


Creating a detailed plan that outlines your redesign goals, timeline, and budget will help make this process manageable. The effort invested in updating your site will pay dividends in improved user experience and enhanced brand perception, giving you the edge over your competitors.

Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or digital marketer, this guide offers valuable insights into revitalizing your online presence and ensuring your online presence shines in the crowded digital landscape.

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