Progress Bars are great for displaying varying data types for visual effect to your target audience. Each Element is highly customizable and mobile-friendly.
The Privacy Element allows you to control the privacy settings for third-party embeds on your website, providing end users with the necessary consent choice options.
The Pricing Table Element is a great visual tool to showcase services, product pricing, and more. You can select a highlighted column, add currencies, payment time, and even and add CTA buttons to the footer.
The Avada Post Slider Element is flexible and can be configured to display posts in various layouts and to show Blog Posts by category as a modern media slideshow.
This Element is used in conjunction with individual Post Cards designed with the Avada Builder Library. An Avada Post Card is a custom layout template for various post types, such as Blog posts, Portfolio posts, FAQs, Events, and WooCommerce Products.
The Portfolio Element will display the Portfolio Post Type with three predefined layouts: Carousel, Grid, or Masonry. In addition, you can specify a category and the number of posts and a wide range of customization and styling options.