Range Field Element

Last Update: January 7, 2024

The Range Field Element defines a slider control between minimum and maximum numeric values. You can see an example of this Element in the Reservation Prebuilt Form.

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How To Use The Range Field Element

The Range Field Element allows you to place a range field slider into your forms. To start, just add the element into your desired column in a Form Layout.

Configure the element to your requirements. The main options are the minimum and maximum values to create the range, and then a step value.

Read below for a description of all element options.

Element Options

Location: The edit screen within each Element. You access the Form Builder Elements when adding an Element while editing a Form in the Avada Form Builder (Forms > Form Builder, from the Avada Dashboard).

You can deploy as many individual Elements in your forms as you need, there is no limit. Within each of the Elements, you will see a tab or tabs that house an array of options that make it possible for you to configure each instance of the Element independently, greatly enhancing your flexibility and creative options.


Field LabelEnter the label for the input field. This is how users will identify individual fields.
Field NameEnter the field name. Please use only lowercase alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.
Required FieldMake a selection to ensure that this field is completed before allowing the user to submit the form.
OrientationRange input field orientation
Tooltip TextThe text to display as tooltip hint for the input.
Range Min ValueMinimum allowed value for range input type.
Range Max ValueMaximum allowed value for range input type.
Range Step ValueIncremental Value for range input type.
Default ValueSet default value for range input type.
Tab IndexTab index for the form field.
CSS ClassAdd a class for the form field.
CSS IDAdd an ID for the form field.


Conditional LogicAdd conditional logic for the input field.