IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is best practice and recommended to perform a full back up of your...
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is best practice and recommended to perform a full back up of your...
Avada is constantly being updated with new features and adjustments. You can always view the...
We want to ensure your Avada update goes as smoothly as possible. And so, we've created...
Why you should update regularly A major reason to keep Avada and your plugins up-to-date...
Backing up your site is an essential practice to ensure that you don't lose any...
The Avada Maintenance Mode is an integrated way to hide your site from the public while...
Keeping your site up to date is an integral part of WordPress site...
There are two places you can add and manage plugins when using Avada. The first...
A Staging site is a clone of a live (production) site. It's usually not accessible...
All Maintenance & Updating Docs