Avada Live Builder Preferences

Last Update: February 5, 2024

Avada Live has an intuitive and minimalist workspace, but there are also a range of builder preferences to help you work in the way you want to. Let’s look at the Builder Preferences, accessed from the main toolbar from the Preferences icon, as seen below.

Avada Builder > Live Builder Preferences

Read on to discover how you can customize your Workspace with the Avada Live Preferences, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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The Builder Preferences

Builder Styling Mode

Avada Live Preferences - Builder Styling Mode

Dark Mode has come to Avada Live. With this preference, you can enjoy editing in Avada Live in Dark mode, or Light mode, as is the default. Come join the dark side!

Sidebar Panel Position

Sidebar Panel Position

Select the side which you want the sidebar panel to be displayed on. If you use the Sidebar Element Editing Mode, you can determine whether the panel opens on the left or the right side of the screen. Left is the default.

Element Editing Mode

Element Editing Mode

Choose if element editing should be in the sidebar or in a dialog. If you choose dialog, you can resize and move the dialog to whatever position on the screen you prefer.

Automatically Open Element Settings

Automatically Open Element Settings

Choose if the settings should be opened automatically after adding an element. By default, this is turned on. In most cases, the default behavior will be ideal, as when adding an Element, you will usually want to edit it immediately.

Enable Keyboard Shortcuts

Enable Keyboard Shortcuts

Choose if Keyboard Shortcuts should be enabled or disabled. There are a range of Keyboard Shortcuts in Avada Live, and you can enable or disable them here. See the Keyboard Shortcuts section below for more detail.

Show Option Descriptions By Default

Show Option Descriptions By Default

Choose if option descriptions should be shown or hidden by default. You can always toggle the description on any of the individual options, but if you prefer to always see the option descriptions, you can set this option to Show.

Show Tooltips

Show Tooltips

Choose if tooltips should be enabled or disabled. This controls the description you get when you hover over any tool in Avada Live. It is on by default.

Enable Sticky Header & Containers

Enable Sticky Header & Containers

Choose if sticky header and containers should be enabled or disabled. Sticky Headers and Containers can obstruct Container Controls while building. This option just disables the sticky header and containers in the Live Builder, not on the front end.

Enable Transparent Header & Absolute Containers

Enable Transparent Header & Absolute Containers

Choose if transparent header and absolute containers should be enabled or disabled. Transparent headers can block Container Controls at times, so if your site has a transparent header, or an absolute container, you can enable or disable it in the Live Builder here.

Enable Preview for Filter Options

Enable Preview for Filter Options

Choose if Element filter options preview should be enabled or disabled. Some Elements have a range of Filters, under the Extras tab. This setting determines whether you see a preview of these filters while editing.

Enable Preview for Transform Options

Enable Preview For Transform Options

Choose if Choose if element transform options preview. Some Elements have a range of Filters, under the Extras tab. This setting determines whether you see a preview of these filters while editing.

Show Droppable Areas While Dragging

Show Droppable Areas While Dragging

Enable in order to see all droppable areas while dragging element. With this enabled, you will see all possible droppable areas as a white line. With it disabled, you will only see a blue line as you mouse over a droppable area.

Sidebar Panel Overlay Mode

Avada Live Preferences - Sidebar Panel Overlay Mode

Choose if the sidebar panel should act as an overlay. If enabled, the sidebar will overlay the preview content. If disabled, the preview content will resize to fit the new screen area.

Options Sub Tabs

Avada Live Preferences - Option Sub Tabs

Choose if options sub tabs are expanded or collapsed by default in the Live Builder.

Enable Preview For Rendering Logic

Avada Live Builder Preferneces > Enable Preview For Rendering Logic

Choose to enable the device rendering logic preview for container and columns.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Avada Live also comes with a range of shortcuts to help with your efficiency. You can find a full list of these under the Support Icon on the right hand side of the toolbar as seen below.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a range of both Toggle Hotkeys, and Action Hotkeys. See the full list below.

Avada Keyboard Shortcuts

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