Woo Filter by Attribute Element

Last Update: May 23, 2024

The Woo Filter By Attribute Element is one of four Woo Filter Elements, and designed to replace the corresponding WooCommerce Widgets. The Woo Filter by Attribute Element allows a user to filter products by a specific attribute (in the screenshot below, it is size). Please read on for all the details on this useful Element, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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How To Use The Woo Filter By Attribute Element

The Woo Filter By Attribute Element is designed to filter products based on a specific attribute. This element will be used in conjunction with the Woo Filter Active Element, and potentially one of the other Woo Filter Elements, the Woo Filter By Price Element, and/or the Woo Filter By Rating Element. These would typically be found in a sidebar on a shop page (try using a sticky column), where you could use the filter elements to filter the shop products.

You first need to ensure your WooCommerce products have attributes. See the How To use WooCommerce Attribute Swatches for more details on that process. Then when adding the Element, you choose which attribute you want to be able to filter by. You can add this Element multiple times if your products have multiple different attributes.

IMPORTANT NOTE. These filters are for advanced users and must be added to a Layout Section, as they are Layout Elements. They also only work with Archives.

So, to make a filterable shop page, or a Product Categories page, create a Layout, and set the conditions to be Archives > Product Archives Types, and/or Archives > All Product Categories. Then create a Content Layout Section, add your Woo Products with the Post Card Archives Element, using the Post Card of your choice, Post Cards Display set to Posts, and on the Layout Section Options tab, set the Archive Type as Products.

Then you can add the Filter Elements in a Sticky Sidebar. Depending on the attributes of your products, the various Filter Elements could be used.

Woo Filter By Attribute Element
Woo Filter By Attribute Element

Element Options

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