How To Set Up Social Media Options In Avada

Last Update: February 6, 2025

Avada includes a wide range of social media options, enabling you to share your social links and feeds, as well as allowing users to share your content to their own social networks. Continue reading below to learn more about how to set up the social media options in Avada, and watch the video below for a visual overview.

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Social Media Icons

Social Media Icons allow you to share links to your Social Media channels. These icons are typically placed in the header and footer of your site. There are two ways to add these icons. Our recommended method is to add Social Media Icons into a Header or Footer Layout Section using the Social Links Element, however with this Element, you can add them anywhere in your content. Read the Element doc and the Introducing Avada Layouts doc for more information on this method.

If you are not using Avada Layouts, there is still the legacy method for adding social media icons into your header or footer. In the Social Media Icons panel, found at Avada > Options > Social Media > Social Media Icons, you will find a repeater field, to which you can add one social network at a time. You can add as many social links as you require. These icons are then displayed if the selected Header Layout has a place for them. See the Header Layouts via Global Options doc for more details on the various legacy headers.

Social Feeds

There are also a range of Design Elements in Avada, with which you can display full social feeds. These are the Facebook Page Element, and the Twitter Timeline Element, as shown below, and if you see Flickr as being a social platform, your can add the Flickr Element to the list. These Elements replace the legacy widgets method, are highly configurable, and can be added anywhere into your content. See the individual Element docs for more information on these.

Social Sharing

You can also allow your users to share your content to a chosen range of social media sites. Our recommended method for this is to use the Social Sharing Element, for example, in a single post layout, but again, with this Element, a Sharing Box can be placed anywhere in your content, as can be seen below.

If your’re not using Avada Layouts, and you want to add the Sharing Box to a post or portfolio template, your can still use the legacy method. The Sharing Box feature can be enabled or disabled on any blog or portfolio single post page, and the sharing box, itself can be widely customized.

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