How To Make A Popup With The Off Canvas Builder

Last Update: April 15, 2024

The Off Canvas Builder in Avada has two types of Off Canvas – the Popup, and the Sliding Bar. The Popup is the default Off Canvas type, and with this you can create all manner of popups on your site, reducing the need for further third party plugins. Read on to discover how to create a popup with the Off Canvas Builder, and watch the video below for a detailed overview of the process.

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Create & Configure The Popup

To create a Popup with the Off Canvas Builder, the first thing to do is to go to Avada > Off Canvas, and create your Off Canvas. There are a number of Popups in Avada Studio you can use as a starting point, or you can just create your own from scratch by adding a container/column layout.

The next step is to configure your Popup. What you choose here will be entirely dependent on what you want to create. Go through each tab, and make your selections. If you are unsure of what’s possible, watch the video above for an example of what you can do. See the How To Use The Off Canvas Builder doc for full details on the configuration tabs.

With a popup, the Conditions and Trigger tabs will play a large role. Conditions determine where the popup will be active, and the Trigger tab is the place to configure how you want the popup to be triggered. Perhaps it’s when a user shows exit intent, or maybe it’s after a certain number of seconds. This tool is so flexible, that we can only really give an example. The rest is up to you.

Add Your Content

Once your Off Canvas settings are good, it’s time to make the content. Again, this this entirely depend on your desired content, and can be anything you can add with the Avada Builder. It could be a Newsletter Subscrioption Form, a floating Contact sidebar, a promo code offer, or anything else your imagination cane come up with. Watch the video above for one example, or review the Avada Studio Off Canvas examples for some other ideas.

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