
Last Update: April 12, 2024


avada.studio is our showcase Avada Studio website, where you can see an overview of the Avada Studio content, and you can sort, browse and preview the full range of available content. The website is loaded with design inspiration, and is updated regularly with new content blocks.

Along the far left, you can see icons representing the twelve types of Avada Studio content – Templates, Headers, Page Title Bars, Content Sections, Footers, Containers, Columns, Elements, Icons, Forms, Post Cards, Off Canvas, andMega Menus. Below the icons on the left, you can even see the total number of items in the Studio.

In the column to the right of the icons, are the categories for the selected content type. You can sort the content blocks into their various styles to help you refine your selection. In the main window, you can see a preview of the various content blocks. Just click on one to get a full-width functioning preview of the particular block. When you do this, you will also be able to see an Invert icon on the left-hand side to preview the item with its colors inverted. When you import, you will also be able to select this option.

As the Avada Studio content grows, this will become an amazing source of design inspiration, all of which is also available to you directly from within your Avada website.
