Avada Privacy Bar

Last Update: April 29, 2024

The Privacy Bar is one part of the Avada Privacy Tools, which help you facilitate GDPR compliance. For a detailed look at the full range of Privacy Tools in Avada, see the GDPR And Avada Privacy Tools document. But in this document, we are looking solely at the Avada Privacy Bar.

This Avada Privacy Bar is highly configurable, giving you everything that you need to keep your website visitors informed of any cookies, third part embeds and/or custom implementations that may affect their data privacy.

It will handle 3rd party embeds, tracking codes, and any custom cookie contents that you may require. The settings are found in Avada > Options > Privacy tab. Enabling Privacy Bar option will give access to additional options that will help in customizing the privacy bar. Continue reading below to know more about the full options available in the Privacy tab, and watch the video below for an overview of all the privacy tools offered in Avada. The Privacy Bar section is at 3:35.

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Privacy Bar Basic Example

Below is what your website visitors will see by default when you enable the privacy bar. Basic wording added, with the default location placement at the foot of the website.

Avada Default Privacy Bar

Privacy Bar Configured Example

There are a range of Global Options that will make it possible for you to personalize and style up your privacy bar, giving you the ability to inform your website visitors regarding data privacy and handling. There are styling options, layout options and content options. Below is an example of what a final result could look like:

Avada Privacy Bar Info

Configuring The Privacy Bar

For added flexibility, the privacy bar content areas will accept Avada Elements like buttons, font awesome icons, images etc. that will help you set up a professional and elegant notification for your website visitors. Adding Elements to text areas is now as easy as a right click on the Element and paste into the text area.

There are a range of styling and layout options. Leave it as a simple notification bar by setting Privacy Bar Settings to ‘Off‘, enabling this option will when clicked slide and out, displaying additional notification information for your visitors.

Privacy Global Options

There are also many Privacy Global Options found at Avada > Privacy. These options work in conjunction with the other Avada Privacy features.

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