Avada Builder Hooks: Actions and Filters
Last Update: April 30, 2023
Actions List
Description: This hook is executed before Fusion Builder initialization.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php
Description: This hook is executed after live editor templates are loaded.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php
Description: This hook is executed after live editor scripts are enqueued.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/inc/bootstrap.php
Description: This hook is executed when library files are loaded in Fusion Builder.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php
Description: This hook is executed to init shortcodes.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder-library-table.php
Description: This hook is executed for display of library element columns.
Arguments: $column_id $itemFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder-library.php
Description: This hook is executed after a library element is created.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php
Description: This hook is executed after backend editor scripts are enqueued.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-custom-icons-table.php
Description: This hook is executed for display of custom icons columns.
Arguments: NoneFiles:
Description: This hook is executed to filter meta data in live editor.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-dynamic-data-callbacks.php
Description: This hook can be used to pause meta data filter in live editor.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-dynamic-data-callbacks.php
Description: This hook can be used to resume meta data filter in live editor.
Arguments: None.File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder-table.php
Description: This hook is executed for display of theme builder layout section columns.
Arguments: NoneFiles:
Description: This hook is executed to make actual post content non editable in live editor.
Arguments: NoneFiles:
Description: This hook is executed to make actual post content editable in live editor.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/front-end/class-fusion-builder-front.php
Description: This hook can be used to enqueue separate scripts when developer mode is enabled.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/templates.php
Description: This hook is executed before builder templates are added.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/templates.php
Description: This hook is executed after builder templates are added.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/templates/app.php
Description: This hook is executed before builder container content is added.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/templates/app.php
Description: This hook is executed after builder container content.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/components/templates/fusion-tb-comments.php
Description: This hook is executed before theme builder comments section is displayed.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php
Description: This hook is executed to get blog timeline layout date.
Arguments: $date_paramsFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php
Description: This hook is executed before blog shortcode loop.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php
Description: This hook is executed after blog shortcode loop.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php
Description: This hook is executed to get date and format section for medium alternate and large alternate layouts in blog element.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-events.php
Description: This hook is executed to get placeholder image in events.
Arguments: fixedFile: fusion-builder/templates/template-page.php
Description: This hook is executed before template builder content element is displayed.
Arguments: NoneFile: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-form-submit.php
Description: This hook is executed after Fusion form submission data is ready.
Arguments: $form_data $form_post_idFilters List
File: Avada/includes/class-fusion-builder-migrate.php
Description: Used to support migration of Custom Post Types that use Fusion Builder elements in Avada 5.0 or higher.
Default Value: NoneFiles:
Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder elements for JS object.
Default Value: $fusion_builder_elementsFiles: fusion-builder/inc/shortcodes.php
Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder elements parameters.
Arguments: $params $shortcodeFiles: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php
Description: Allows to filter Fusion Builder template section tag.
Arguments: $default_tag $section_nameFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Let's you control the default values that should be set for portfolio element.
Default Value: $defaultsFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the actual query parameters that will be used to retrieve posts.
Default Value: $argsFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the title markup for portfolio carousels.
Default Value: $fusion_portfolio_carousel_titleFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the terms markup for portfolio carousels.
Default Value: $carousel_termsFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the video markup.
Default Value: $video_markup: The full markup $video: The iframe tag added in the post options. $video_max_width: Allowed maximum width the video may take up.File: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the title markup for portfolio grids.
Default Value: $post_titleFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the terms markup for portfolio grids.
Default Value: $post_termsFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the separator markup for portfolio grids.
Default Value: $separatorFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the content markup for portfolio grids.
Default Value: $stripped_contentFile: fusion-core/shortcodes/fusion-portfolio.php
Description: Can be used to change the button markup for portfolio grids.
Default Value: $buttons: “Learn More” and “View Project” buttons including the wrapper div $learn_more_button: “Learn More” button markup. $view_project_button: “View Project” button markup.File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-blog.php
Description: Filters the HTML output of the blog element pagination.
Params: $output: The HTML output of the pagination. $pages: Max number of pages. $range: How many page numbers to display to either side of the current page. $current_query: The query for which the pagination is constructed. $blog_global_pagination: Global pagination style override.
Default Value: The pagination HTML output constructed by the blog element class.File: fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-user-login.php
Description: Can be used to update the standard messages/notices for User element.
Default Value: $notice_array: They array having all notices$action: Sanitized form action. $success: Bool success.
Files: fusion-builder/inc/lib/inc/functions.php
Description: Allows to set the amount of page links shown left and right to the current element.
Params: $range
Default Value: 1Avada
Fusion Builder
Description: Filter is used to determine if live editor should be loaded or not.
Arguments: $load (boolean)
Example For Disabling: add_filter( 'fusion_load_live_editor', '__return_false', 999 );
Fusion Builder
Description: Filter to easily disable the antispambot function of WordPress for emails.
Default value: false
Example For Disabling: add_filter( 'fusion_disable_antispambot', '__return_true' );
File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-builder.php
Description: Can be used to enable Fusion Builder for a post type by default.
Default Value: Array of post types.File: fusion-builder/inc/shortcodes.php
Description: Can be used to enable Fusion Builder Elements.
Default Value: Array of enabled elements.File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php
Description: Can be used to modify theme builder section override.
Params: $override: The override.
$type: The type of override we're querying.
$c_page_id: Current page ID.
File: fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-template-builder.php
Description: Can be used to modify theme builder layout condition post types.
Params: $post_types: The existing post types
Description: Allows to modify Theme Builder component content.
Params: $shortcode_handle: Component name.
$html: Component HTML.
$args: Component Options.