Licensing For Stock Images & Videos Used In Avada Prebuilt Websites

Last Update: March 1, 2024

The licensing for Avada does NOT include the images or videos used in the Prebuilt Websites or the Avada Studio content blocks. With Avada Studio, we have sourced the images used from free sources, but it is still the user’s responsibility to ensure that all images are being used according to their copyright status.

Avada Studio Content

Follow the link below to see an extensive list of the media resources used in Avada Studio. From here, you can check the copyright status and conditions of the specific images in question. Please note, the sources have dates next to them as image website listings can change, and this list will not be maintained/updated by us.

Prebuilt Websites

Our prebuilt websites use a variety of both paid and free stock images and videos, and below we have a list of resources that can help you source either free or paid stock images for your site. Always make sure you read the details of each resource to fully understand the license it comes with.

General Stock Photos

Stock Videos

Graphics & Mockups

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