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Avada 7.11

The latest version of Avada released on June 19th, 2023, introduces MultiStep Avada Forms, ACF Repeater support, Pixel & Flex Grow for Columns, Enhanced MailChimp support, tons of new design options, and so much more.

The latest version of Avada released on June 19th, 2023, introduces MultiStep Avada Forms, ACF Repeater support, Pixel & Flex Grow for Columns, Enhanced MailChimp support, tons of new design options, and so much more.

Design Anything, Build Everything

Created for WordPress beginners, marketers, professionals, freelancers, or anyone!

Multi-Step Avada Forms

Multi-step forms are versatile and great for anything from surveys, marketing, and general user engagement.

Multi-step Form

ACF Repeater Support

Repeater fields allow you to create a set of sub-fields that can be repeated over and over while editing content.

ACF Repeater Relationships

New & Enhanced Features

Flex Grow Column

PX Width & Flex Grow For Columns

This CSS property specifies how much the column will grow relative to the remaining flexible items inside the same container.

Mailchimp Tags Support

Mailchimp Tag & Group Support

Integrate Avada Forms with Mailchimp to improve your campaigns’ data handling and email list control.

Prebuilt Importer Improvements

Prebuilt Website Importer

Further streamlining of the importing process for prebuilt Avada websites provides better stability and efficiency.

Title Text Stroke

Title Text Stroke + ellipsis

A stylish new text-decoration option for title text that stands out.

Customize To-top Colors

To Top Color Options

A new set of awesome styling options for the ToTop button.

Meta Element Labels

Meta element labels option

Display post meta text anywhere within the post layout.

Logout Special Menu Item

Logout special menu item

A dedicated Logout Menu Item that can be placed anywhere.

Thank You Page Setup Wizard

setup wizard Additions

Ideal when using the Setup Wizard to build an online store.

Off-Canvas Close on Anchor

Off-Canvas close on anchor

Closes the off-canvas automatically when clicking on an anchor link

Noteworthy Additions

Content Box Improvements

Content box improvements

Form Conditional Options

Conditional options for titles, containers, and alerts

Post Term Conditional Rendering

Post Term Conditional Rendering

Global Options Backup

Global Options Backup on reset

Image Before and After Label

Label support for before/after images

Accessible Breadcrumbs

Accessible Breadcrumbs element

List of all changes in Avada 7.11

New features

  • Added full-blown multi-step form setup to Avada Forms incl extensive step indicator styling
  • Added support for ACF repeaters
  • Added support for ACF relationship
  • ACF fields will now be imported when they are used on prebuilt sites
  • Added background and icon color options to the to top button
  • Added support for MailChimp Groups and Tags to Avada Forms
  • Added option to the Column element to set column width in px and added felx-grow and flex-shrink options
  • Added icon hover, border radius, box-shadow and equal height options to Content Boxes element
  • Added Avada Forms conditional rendering logic for Container element, Alert element and Text Block element
  • Added option to Off-Canvas to close it if an anchor link inside it gets clicked
  • Added border radius option, a new dismiss style option and a link color inherit option to Alert element
  • Added an option to the Meta element to easily turn off labels
  • Added user logout to special menu items
  • Live Editor history will now be kept, even if the post/page has just been saved
  • Added dynamic data to the Audio element
  • Added an option to Image Before & After element to display image labels individually
  • Added an option to the Comments element to display a reCAPCHTA
  • Added WooCommerce Thank You page to the import features of the Setup Wizard
  • Backup of Global Options is now automatically saved to the WP uploads folder on full or partial reset of Global Options
  • Added text stroke option to the Title element
  • Added ellipsis overflow option to the Title element
  • Added text underline offset options to the link decoration Global Options
  • Added custom taxonomies and terms to the conditional rendering engine
  • Added option to order Post Cards by custom sorting order and by custom field
  • Added possibility for single column Post Cards element to have the card full stretch in height compared to neighboring content
  • Added a check for PHP mail to the Status page for easier email issue checks


  • Mobile flyout menu not working when using legacy side header
  • Avada Forms email notifications using incorrect charset leading to special chars not being correctly encoded
  • Arrow color for menus using submenu arrow, when the first item is active with different color
  • Preview of footer not always correct in Setup Wizard
  • Avada Forms export not using the submission IDs
  • Avada Forms options not being correctly imported on prebuilt site import
  • Avada Forms conditional logic not working for fields that have no label set
  • Avada Forms entries count being incorrect when changing submission type from database to just email notifications
  • Missing escapes for form input names and values in Avada Forms
  • Conditional rendering for comments turned off not working
  • WooCommerce product attribute taxonomy options not being loaded correctly when slug uses non-ASCII chars
  • Post names not correctly encoded when used in Layout conditions leading to apostrophes being backslash escaped
  • Avada updates only showing when at least a second WP theme is installed
  • PHP notice in Page Options sidebar options and in the block editor styles class
  • Rendering issue when using Post Card element inside of a mega menu in a header layout that uses the Content element itself
  • Column element background missing on column hover
  • Empty column dimensions auto-check not taking into account different background images for different device widths
  • Ajax loading of more posts not working in Post Card Archives element when it is saved as a Global Element
  • Icon inactive box color being incorrect in FAQ element
  • Global default and Woo Product Images element default for out-of-stock note not being the same
  • Text on buttons in Instagram element not always being centered on mobile when there isn’t enough space
  • Element animations being double executed in some cases when the JS compiler is turned on
  • Anchor linking not working for Tabs element
  • Role manager not working correctly when display name and role slug are different
  • Duplicated class attributes in Image element when image scroll or magnify options are used
  • Sticky and responsive visibility options in Image element leading to white space, when image gets hidden
  • Duplicated fill attributes in Section Separator element for some styles
  • Off-Canvas position option for the sliding bar layout not working
  • Issue width RankMath and Yoast SEO content analysis tools
  • Hover options UI being incorrectly displayed in backend editor when using legacy containers
  • Custom side header appearing full width when media query files get loaded asynchronously
  • Some PHP notices in backend meta boxes
  • Global border radius option for Person element incorrectly converting % to px
  • Some styling image links in the CSS of OpenStreetMaps being incorrect
  • OpenStreetMap icon size not correctly saved in backend editor
  • Table ordering options not working for the backend Avada Forms table
  • Some Section Separator styles not working in Live Editor if changing to them starting from Hills style
  • Column element top border size missing in Live Editor
  • Post Cards element not rendering correctly in Live Editor before an option is changed
  • Images inside of Post Cards element inside a mega menu not displaying in Live Editor
  • Sidebar toolbar order of Live Editor being incorrect in Live Editor
  • Column element background color being in front of background image in Live Editor when using a column link
  • Integer as content e.g., through dynamic data causing a JS error in the Live Editor
  • Container and Column saving to library not working when editing a mega menu in Live Editor
  • Icon hover color in preview mode being incorrect in the Button element in Live Editor
  • Mobile menu item minimum height option not working in Menu element in Live Editor
  • Mobile nav size option of Menu element not being correctly applied on re-render in live Editor
  • Some UI controls in Live Editor incorrectly getting the Global Options link style applied
  • Nested Column spacing being incorrect when used within a Post Card when re-rendering the content in Live Editor
  • Responsive margin options not updating correctly in Container element in Live Editor
  • Builder preference option for Column transforms preview not working in Live Editor


  • Optimized the prebuilt site importer to do incremental asset import to avoid timeouts
  • OpenStreetMap changes to allow map centering, allowing 0 on the zoom option and added a zoom snap option
  • Slugs can now also be used to exclude certain posts/pages from the maintenance/ coming soon mode
  • Added a cURL check to the System Status page for better issue analysis
  • Optimized the Performance Wizard element scan, to minimize timeouts
  • Anchor scrolling script can now directly use targets instead of DOM elements
  • Mega menu now auto closes when clicking on an anchor link inside of it
  • Code for all reCAPCHTA instances is now shared to optimize performance
  • Made sure that 100% height Off-Canvas instances take into account iPhone notch areas
  • Consolidated options for Woo Cart Table and Woo Order Table
  • Heading count conditional rendering is now also working for posts that don’t us Avada elements (helpful for Gutenberg blog posts)
  • Moved the Avada Forms preview background color to the wrapping post-content container for better visibility
  • Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
  • PERFORMANCE Changed category and tag select fields for Blog, FAQ and other elements to ajax loading to improve performance on large sites
  • UPDATED scrollTrigger library is now on version 3.11.5 which fixes conflicts with leaflet.js library of some plugins
  • ACCESSIBILITY Breadcrumbs element and breadcrumbs in Page Title Bar have been optimized for WCAG compliance
  • ACCESSIBILITY Title attribute option is now also used as aria-label in the Button element
  • ACCESSIBILITY Fixed textarea label missing from the Syntax Highlighter element
  • COMPATIBILITY Fixed display issue with YITH WooCommerce Waitlist Premium Cards when using a custom product layout
  • COMPATIBILITY Events Ticket checkout leading to display issues with custom header layouts
  • COMPATIBILITY Fixed fatal error happening using Woo Subscriptions plugin when deleting posts from Avada CPTs
  • COMPATIBILITY Fixed layout builder not working with WP Members plugin
  • COMPATIBILITY Fixed issue with Learnpress where Live Editor was accessible for subscriber role