Soundcloud Element

Last Update: January 15, 2025

The Soundcloud Element allows you to easily embed a SoundCloud track directly into your page. You can choose the layout of the track, as well as display various metadata. Read below to discover more about this useful media element.

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How To Use The Soundcloud Element

The Soundcloud Element allows you to quickly embed Soundcloud files anywhere on your site.

To start, add the element into your desired column. Using the Soundcloud Element is very easy. Firstly, add the URL to the Soundcloud file you wish to embed, and then, choose the layout. There are also options for showing related items, users, and comments (these can only be turned off on tracks uploaded with a Pro Plan) as well as some styling and sizing options.

Element Options

SoundCloud UrlThe SoundCloud url, ex:
LayoutChoose the layout of the soundcloud embed.
Show CommentsChoose to display comments. NOTE: This feature can only be turned off on tracks uploaded through a SoundCloud pro plan.
Show RelatedChoose to display related items. NOTE: This feature can only be turned off on tracks uploaded through a SoundCloud pro plan.
Show UserChoose to display the user who posted the item. NOTE: This feature can only be turned off on tracks uploaded through a SoundCloud pro plan.
AutoplayChoose to autoplay the track. NOTE: SoundCloud does not allow autoplay on mobile devices.
ColorSelect the color of the element.
DimensionsWidth can be specified in pixels (px) or percentage (%) values, height in pixels (px) only.
MarginEnter values including any valid CSS unit, ex: 4%.
Element VisibilityChoose to show or hide the element on small, medium or large screens. You can choose more than one at a time.
CSS ClassAdd a class to the wrapping HTML element.
CSS IDAdd an ID to the wrapping HTML element.