Deprecated FAQ and Portfolio Page Templates

Last Update: March 29, 2024

In Avada version 5.0, we decided to remove all FAQ and Portfolio Page Templates from the theme. Do not worry however, as nothing changes, and all of the layout and configuration options previously available in page templates have been retained in the new FAQ and Portfolio Elements. This is a step in the right direction and makes Avada more flexible, intuitive and extensible. Please continue reading below for more information regarding this development and to learn how this affects you and your site.

Why Remove FAQ & Portfolio Templates?

In simple terms, being able to deploy an element anywhere within a page or post on your site using the FAQ/Portfolio Elements is a lot more flexible and allows you to design more dynamic and engaging content than fixed page templates. Elements are easier to deploy with your content, exciting your viewers attention by delivering richer more engaging content.

Deprecated Template

What Does This Mean For You?

If you use the theme without a child theme and haven’t done any customizations to the theme’s core files, then this update will not affect you at all. Your pages that use these page templates will be converted automatically and will remain identical on the front end of your site. If you do use a child theme and have altered and customized the theme’s core files, then please refer to the Child Theme Users section below.

  • Removal of all FAQ and Portfolio Page Templates – All FAQ and Portfolio Page Templates available under the ‘Templates’ option under the ‘Page Attributes’ box have been deprecated and replaced with an Element for improved design flexibility.
  • Page Template Conversion – If you have pages that make use of these Page Templates, don’t worry! When you update to Avada 5.0, they’ll be automatically converted to the corresponding elements and will look exactly the same as before the update.

    What Does This Mean For Child Theme Users?

    If you use a child theme and have customized or modified to the theme’s core files and/or deprecated template files, you may have to re-work your customizations. We’ve added several new PHP hooks to the Portfolio and FAQ Elements, that in fact make it a lot easier to customize your content. You can also choose to make customizations through full element class replacements.

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