Button Element
Last Update: February 18, 2025
The easy-to-use, and versatile Button Element allows you to add a virtually endless variety of buttons to your site. Read below for an overview of the specific features of the Element, and watch the video for a visual overview.
How To Use The Button Element
The Button Element is one of the most commonly used Elements. Buttons are amazingly useful on a website, as you can use them in so many ways. They can link to a website, they can open another page on your own site, they can even open a modal dialog or a Lightbox. You can use them in page content, widget areas, or even in menus. They can be different sizes and colors, they can span the content, and they can link to dynamic content; the options are almost endless.
Buttons are a way of displaying an obvious link. You can link text in your copy, but a button stands out a lot more, and can also be used as a design element.
Typically, they will open a link to another site, or a different page on the same site, but they can also trigger a modal window, or scroll to another part of the page. Buttons can stand out from other content, or they can have the same color as the background and just look like a link.
Just add the Element to any Column, and configure its properties until it displays and links exactly how you wish. There is a full list of element options below, and watch the video above for more inspiration.
Element Options
Note: The Default setting will use the global settings assigned for this element at Avada > Options > Avada Builder Elements > Button. Also, please note that the displayed option screens below show ALL the available options for the element. If you have Avada’s Option Network Dependencies turned on, you will only see options relevant to your selections, and so the options screen may look somewhat different.