
It’s hard to believe that 5 YEARS have rolled by since the release of Avada 1.0 back in 2012. The years have flown by and Avada continues growing thanks to our amazing customers and dedicated team.

We, ThemeFusion, feel blessed to be part of the amazing world of WordPress. Five years ago when we set out we had no idea where the road would lead. Through hard work, dedication and the willingness to go the extra mile for our customers, our incredible team has been able to achieve what nobody else has.

We released Avada on Themeforest on August 16th, 2012 and within 10 days we reached the No. 1 spot and have been there ever since. That is an incredible accomplishment, something we never really thought possible when we first created Avada. It has evolved so much, all for good and we know the best is yet to come for our 5 year old girl!

Every year we see the growth each of our team members give to Avada to improve it. We work collectively as a team to provide the best possible product and customer service to our 1,010,350+ users. Over these 5 years we have learned a lot about our industry, our customers and WordPress … merging them all into something that people love, Avada. It is absolutely amazing to see everything unfold. Time flies when you doing what you love with passion.

None of this would be possible without our incredible customers, an amazing team who works together day by day to continue and grow in every way possible and the Envato platform.

We will continue to strive and better our products and form long lasting relationships with our customers. We will be back here celebrating Avada’s 10th year birthday in 2022!

Onwards we go!

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