
Happy Holidays, everyone! In this latest roadmap installment, we will share Avada 8.0 progress and the latest Avada milestones with our community.

Avada 8 December Progress Update

Following on from the November Roadmap post, our team has been hard at work on the new workflow enhancements, focusing on the Global Styles system. See some of the highlights below.

The Global Styles System

One of the most significant changes to the Avada workflow is the introduction of the new global styles system for Elements. This new feature will make designing and maintaining your Elements easy. Read on for further details and examples.

Default Global Styles

Each element starts with a default global style. This is the style that the element will use when you insert it into the page. You can think of this as a new approach to our current Global Element Options. The significant change here is that every element option will be available for every element, providing you with complete global control. You will not just be limited to style options; you will also be able to control other, more advanced options, such as the button hover transition type, globally.

Custom Global Styles

In addition to the default element global styles, you can create your own custom global styles. This allows you to create various element variations, which inherit from the default global style and remain globally controllable.

Visual Global Styles Examples

In the examples that follow, we have a setup with various button elements, consisting of 4 different global styles. There is the default button global style which is displayed at the top, then three different custom global styles.

The first custom global style is a small square example which is set to be smaller and without border radius. Next to that there is a an outline example, which overrides the background and border. Finally there is a red button example which overrides the background color.

Editing The Default Global Styles

We have made some edits to the default global style in this example. The background color has been changed to green, and the border-radius has been reduced. If you hover over the image below, you can see how these changes cascade through the various elements.

Default Global StylesDefault Global Styles

For the background color change we can see that that the small square custom global style is now using the new color which it is inheriting from the default global style, but the other global styles which have their own background color are not impacted.

Then, we can see that the opposite is true for the border-radius adjustment – the outline button style and the red button have been updated, but the small square custom global style remains square. The same can be seen in the mixed examples, which are set to use custom global styles.

Editing The Custom Global Styles

In the next example, we have decided to add an icon by default to the outline button global style and adjusted the colors of both the outline button style and the red button style.

Default Custom StylesDefault Custom Styles

Again, these changes cascade down. The element examples using the red button style have been updated to use the new color, but the custom sizing and typography have remained. Likewise, both the outline examples now utilize the icon defined in the custom global style.

Speed Up Your Workflow

Speed Up Workflow Example

In addition to the new level of control, the new system also helps speed up your workflow dramatically. Instead of setting the same values on each element, you can now set this once to a global style and then select that on your elements. It also allows us to offer handy shortcuts, allowing you to save existing elements as global styles and copy and paste styles via the right-click context menu.


It is too early in the development process to give an exact ETA for Avada 8. Before release, we will have a public Beta and full launch announcements. 8 Will be the next major update; however, in the meantime, more maintenance releases will be pushed out.
Building a new website with Avada should not be contingent on an upcoming version. Get started today!

New Creative Avada Content

Our talented design team is constantly working on delivering new Avada pre-built websites and Avada Studio content for your web design toolkit, with more to come. Be on the lookout for awesome holiday season content coming soon! Below is just some of the latest content our team released in October.

Avada Studio

Avada Studio Creative Content

Our design team released a new range of creative content, including marketing content, sales forms, templates, and more. There are 587 expertly crafted, ready-to-use content blocks that will streamline the design process, enabling you to customize stunning, professional-quality websites faster than ever.

Avada Websites

Avada Factory Website

The most recent Avada Websites released are Avada Factory *popular, Avada Campaign, and Avada Vape. With more than 100 highly customizable Avada pre-built websites that can be imported with a few clicks, Avada’s creative resources will speed up your web design workflow.


In summary, our team is working flat out with one goal in mind: To bring you the best website-building platform available. Avada 8.0’s extended development cycle reflects our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.

We encourage you to subscribe to our social media platforms to stay tuned for future updates regarding Avada 8, creative Avada Studio content, and pre-built Avada websites.

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  1. Dom January 14, 2025 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    Please can you make better searching functionality. We desperately need a search bar on a page that has a category specific set of posts and the user just needs to search those posts based on that category (or tag). There is no workaround. I know it isn’t as sexy as creating new template websites but a lot of your updates seem to be for the person creating the site and not for our client’s customers.

    • Mark January 17, 2025 at 8:42 am - Reply

      Hello Dom,

      thanks for your comment. That is something that is planned for one of the next updates. So, the possibility to limit the search element to certain terms, should be available soon.